Human Resource Services

Medical Insurance

WSU Employees have up to ten medical plans and three dental plans to choose from.  All plans offer comprehensive coverage throughout the northwest with some plans also have comprehensive coverage nation and worldwide.  Please see links below for additional information.

Plan Premiums

The following chart reflects 2016 employee premiums per month.

Plan Name

Employee Only
Employee & Spouse Employee & Child(ren) Full Family

Group Health Classic

118 246 207 335

Group Health Value

81 172 142 233

Group Health CDHP

22 54 39 71

Group Health SoundChoice
45 100 79 134

Kaiser Permanente Classic

144 298 252 406

Kaiser Permanente CDHP
29 68 51 90

Uniform Medical Plan Classic

84 178 147 241


21 68 37 68

UMP Plus-Puget Sound High Value Network
59 128 103 172

UMP Plus-UW Medicine Accountable Care Network
59 128 103 172

 *Or qualified state registered, domestic partner.


Plan Comparisons






 Certificates of Coverage and Summaries of Benefits by Plan


Uniform Medical


These plans are administered by Regence BlueShield.  They allow you the freedom to choose any provider, but provide a higher reimbursement if your provider contracts as a preferred provider with Uniform Medical.  These plans offer coverage worldwide.

For additional information, or to find a provider, contact Uniform Medical at (888) 849-3681 or visit

Please see our Health Savings Account webpage for employees enrolled in a CDHP

Uniform Classic

Uniform Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP)

UMP Plus


Group Health


These plans require you to seek services by a Group Health provider.  If you happen to go to a non-Group Health provider, you will not receive coverage.

You must verify your provider contracts with Group Health to receive maximum coverage.  This is important, as you could be responsible for costs if you receive care from a provider who is not in the Group Health network.

For additional information, or to find a provider, contact Group Health at (888) 901-4636 or visit

Please see our Health Savings Account webpage for employees enrolled in a CDHP

Group Health Classic


Group Health Value

Group Health Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP)


Group Health Sound Choice



Kaiser Permanente


These plans require you to seek services by a Kaiser Permanente provider.  If you happen to go to a non-Kaiser Permanente provider, you will not receive coverage.

You must verify your provider contracts with Kaiser Permanente to receive maximum coverage.  This is important, as you could be responsible for costs if you receive care from a provider who is not in the Kaiser Permanente network.

For additional information, or to find a provider, contact Kaiser Permanente at (800) 813-2000 or visit

Please see our Health Savings Account webpage for employees enrolled in a CDHP

Kaiser Permanente Classic

Kaiser Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP)



Benefits News


Find archived benefits information here.

Human Resource Services, PO Box 641014, Pullman WA 99164-1014, 509-335-4521, Contact Us