We Want You!
Wellcoug has been created to help you, the employee! We are driven to make Wellcoug a program employees want to participate in and want to share with their colleagues. Whether you are interested in providing feedback after participating in a Wellcoug program or would like to be involved in creating them, we would love to hear your feedback.
Let us know what you think:
Is Wellcoug offering activities and information that is helpful to you?
Did you enjoy participating in a Wellcoug sponsored event?
Do you have a great idea about what Wellcoug could do next?
Are there areas of wellbeing you think Wellcoug should focus on?
Are you and your colleagues hearing about Wellcoug events?
Would you tell your friends and colleagues about Wellcoug?
Are you even interested in an employee wellbeing program?
Contact Benefit Services with your feedback and/or creative ideas! We can be reached at ihr.hrs.wsu.edu or at (509) 335-4521.
Wellcoug is a program provided by Human Resource Services.