Testing Event FAQs
NOT ME is a prediabetes screening program sponsored by the Public Employees Benefit Board/Health Care Authority. Visit www.ihr.hrs.wsu.edu/notme for more information.
1. Can I invite my family members to the testing event?
Family members can participate in the testing event as long as they:
- Are enrolled in a PEBB Medical plan and,
- Are age 18 or over, and
- Don't have Medicare as their primary insurance*.
2. I don't have PEBB coverage, or waived medical coverage through WSU. Can I still sign up for the testing event?
No. The testing event is only available to PEBB members. Check with your insurance plan to see if it offers any similar diabetes prevention services. We encourage everyone to learn about their prediabetes and diabetes risk.
3. If I already have diabetes, do I need to go to a testing event to participate in a diabetes program?
No, you do not need to attend a testing event. All PEBB plans have support programs for managing diabetes. If you're a UMP member, you can participate in the NOT ME Diabetes Control Program; call 1-800-650-2885 for details to enroll. If you are a Group Health or Kaiser member, contact your plan to see what programs and services are available to members with diabetes.
4. My doctor already told me I'm prediabetic. Do I need to go to the testing event to participate in the NOT ME classes, or can I just sign up?
If you already know you have prediabetes or elevated blood glucose, you can sign up for the NOT ME Diabetes Prevention Program classes directly. You don't have to go to the testing event - just call 1-800-237-4942 to enroll.
5. I'm retired. Can I participate in the testing event?
You can enroll as long as you:
- Are enrolled in a PEBB medical plan
- Don't have Medicare as your primary insurance*
- Meet NOT ME blood sugar and body mas index (BMI) criteria
*At this time, the NOT ME program is not available to members who have Medicare as their primary insurance. PEBB may extend the NOT ME to members with Medicare in 2016
1. How do I register for the NOT ME screening event?
To register for a time to be tested, please visit http://hca.uswappointment.com/
2. Is the registration site secure?
3. If the registration site is secure, why doesn't the web address say "https"?
The secure pages are set within a frame to customize member experience. You can see the underlying secure pages in the source code.
4. I made an appointment. Will I receive a confirmation or reminder?
You will receive an email confirming your appointment date and time as long as you provide your email address and request notification when you register.
5. I made an appointment, but I need to cancel (or reschedule). What do I do?
You can log back into the system or call 1-866-926-6099 x 326 to cancel or change your appointment time.
1. Will my employer see my test results?
No. Your results are strictly confidential, so they're kept between you and the Diabetes Prevention and Control Association (the organization providing the NOT ME testing and programs).
2. What will NOT ME do with my test results?
NOT ME will look at your results to see if you qualify for the Diabetes Prevention Program classes. If your test results fall in the prediabetes range, they will invite you to participate.
3. Will NOT ME share my test results with my doctor or health plan?
No. The only information shared with your health plan is whether you receive a test, and whether you attend NOT ME Diabetes Prevention Program classes, so your plan can pay the costs for you.
1. Do I have to submit leave to attend the testing event?
If you work for a state agency or higher-education institution:
Governor Inslee issued an Executive Order that allows employees to take 30 minutes of work time to go to the event. You don't have to submit leave. You do need to communicate and work with your supervisor to let them know when you would like to take time to attend the testing event.
2. What should I bring to the testing event?
Just your PEBB health plan ID card.
3. I haven't received my medical plan ID Card yet. What should I do?
Call your plan's customer service to find out what your medical plan ID number is. You can find your plan's customer service phone number on the PEBB website (www.hca.wa.gov/pebb), under Contact Plans on the left-hand side menu.
4. What can I expect at the testing event?
The entire appointment should take 15-30 minutes. Each event will differ slightly according to location but you can generally expect the following:
The blood sugar test with the clinician, as well as the meeting with the Health Coach will both be conducted privately.