Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Prevention
“Eradicating discrimination and sexual harassment and fostering a respectful environment requires an ongoing, demonstrated commitment from all members of the University community."
Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D.
Washington State University
WSU is committed to being an institution that demonstrates trust and respect for all persons and cultivates individual and institutional integrity in all that we do. To this end, the resources below are intended to assist all members of the University community in the understanding and prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination.
Read Dr. Floyd's message to Faculty and Staff
Mandatory Online Training Course
Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Prevention - Online Overview (click title to launch)
The goal of this training is to assist WSU in maintaining a safe and respectful working and learning environment. It describes different types of discrimination and harassment, including prohibited personal behaviors, identifies key WSU Executive Policies addressing these topics, and provides links to specific offices and resources available to help in cases of alleged discrimination and harassment. Employee and supervisor responsibilities when misconduct is reported or observed are highlighted.
All WSU faculty and staff are required to complete this course |
Live Classroom Training Also Available
Search for the course title in the Instructor Led Training Schedule to learn dates and times of scheduled opportunities to complete this training requirement in a live classroom setting. Then follow the "How To Enroll" linked on that page to register for your preferred session.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is required to complete the training?
All current faculty, administrative professional, civil service, bargaining unit, and graduate student employees are required to complete the training. New employees must complete the course within 6 months of date of hire.
2. How long do I have to complete the course?
For new employees, the course must be completed within 6 months of date of hire.
3. I am a new employee. When I try to launch the course I receive the message that I am not an authorized user. What do I do?
First verify you have a valid Network ID (NID) and Password by calling the IT Help Desk at 509-335-4357. This is required to access the course. Also, new employee training accounts sometime require up to two weeks after the hire date for activation. If you have a valid NID/Password and have been working for two weeks but still do not have access, contact hrstraining@wsu.edu for assistance.
4. How often do I need to complete the course?
The course must be completed every 5 years.
5. How long is the online training course?
Most employees can complete the entire course in 45-60 minutes. It is recommended you allow 1 hour when scheduling time for the online training.
6. Can I take the course anytime I like?
It is important to coordinate with your supervisor when scheduling training time. Be familiar with the guidelines described in WSU Appropriate Use of Training Time.
7. How many online courses are available to meet this requirement?
Only one online course has been developed to meet this requirement. It is specifically titled "Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct Prevention - Online Overview." This required course is identified above under "Mandatory Online Training Course".
8. I do not have access to a computer at work. How will I complete the training?
Employees who do not have access to a computer at work will need to work with their supervisor to make arrangements to complete the course.
9. Will live training sessions also be available?
Two types of live training sessions will satisfy this requirement when coordinated through Human Resource Services (HRS):
- Area/department administrators may contact HRS to arrange live training sessions for work units, and
- Employees may preregister to attend live sessions periodically scheduled through the year. Dates and times of these sessions when scheduled may be viewed at Instructor-Led Training Schedule.
10. How do I access the required Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Prevention - Online Overview Training?
Information on how to access the training is available here.
11. How can I review my training records and learn when I last completed the training?
See instructions at Learning Transcript.
12. I am having trouble accessing the training. What should I do?
Certain computer configurations are required by the training system. Learn specific issues and resolve them through the Browser Capabilities Check at http://browser.skillport.com.
If you are still unable to access your account, contact hrstraining@wsu.edu for assistance
13. I have additional questions regarding the required training. Who should I contact?
For additional questions contact Human Resource Services at 509-335-4521 or email hrs@wsu.edu. If you have questions regarding sexual harassment or discrimination contact the Office for Equal Opportunity at 509-335-8288 or email oeo@wsu.edu
Contacts and Resources