Human Resource Services

Notice for Disability Accommodations

Washington State University
Washington State University is committed to providing equal opportunity in its services, programs, and employment for individuals with a disability. Accommodations can be made for University students, academic and staff employees, and members of the public. For information, contact the offices listed below.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator
The ADA Compliance Officer addresses ADA compliance in all areas of the university including facilities, assistive technology, employees, students, and public accommodations. Contact the ADA Compliance Officer at 335-8288

Student Accommodations:
Contact the Access Center at (Voice/TTY) 335-3417, (FAX) 335- 8511 or Access Center arranges for classroom, academic and non academic-related accommodations for WSU students with a documented disability.

Employee Accommodations:

Contact your supervisor, department chair, or Human Resource Services if you believe you may need an accommodation to perform the essential functions of your position or have questions about the accommodation process.  The Human Resource Services-Disability Services works with employees and their department to coordinate all Reasonable Accommodations.  Human Resource Services may be reached at 509-335-4521, 509-335-1259 (FAX), Washington State TDD Relay Service: Voice Callers: 1-800-833-6384; TDD Callers: 1-800-833-6388 or email:   

Parking and Transportation:

Students and Employees:

Washington State University provides accessible parking and transportation for students and employees with disabilities. Please contact WSU Parking Services at 335-9684. Students requesting accessible transportation should contact the DRC at 335-7021.

Members of the public:

Parking Services arranges accommodations for WSU sponsored services, interviews and public events. Individuals or departments requesting disability accommodations should contact Parking Services at 335-9684.


If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of your disability and/or denied a reasonable accommodation on the basis of a disability, you may seek redress internally from the:

Office for Equal Opportunity: 335-8288


You may also file a discrimination complaint with the following offices:

  • US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: (206) 220-6883(v); 220-6882 (TTY)
  • US Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs: (206) 553-7182 (v); 553-7745 (TTY)
  • US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights: (206) 220-7900 (v) 220-7907 (TTY)
  • US Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights: (206) 615-2290 (v); 615-2296 (TTY)
  • Washington State Human Rights Commission: (206) 464-6500 (v/TTY)


It is against Washington State University policy and state and federal laws to retaliate against an individual who files a complaint of discrimination, participates in an investigation, or opposes illegal discrimination.

Human Resource Services, PO Box 641014, Pullman WA 99164-1014, 509-335-4521, Contact Us
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